Job Performance Report

One of the most useful reports in GroupThinq, this new Job performance report shows a summary of performance for each project manager or supervisor in your company. If a manager regularly brings a project in under budget, making the company money, the report will summarize how much additional money the manager has brought into the company. Similarly, if a project manager is regularly over budget on projects, the summary report shows how much that PM is costing the company in lost revenue. 

The report is extremely useful in summarizing the financial performance of all project managers and supervisors in your company, allowing you to drill down on the performers and non-performers with great accuracy. 

Simply go to the Springboard>Owner Reports>Staff>Job Performance to view the results of either closed projects or active projects. If the project is still active, you will need to estimate the percent completion on the job in order to predict job performance. These settings are saved over time allowing you to go back and update the percent completion on active projects regularly to monitor performance. 

This new report will quickly become an owners best friend.

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