Welcome to one of our most requested features…invoicing phases by percent complete. Previously, our only invoice type was a ‘description’ based invoice, where you described work completed and could import staff hours to create a descriptive summary of the invoice.
Now, with the new % Phase invoice type, you can invoice every phase of your project by percent complete. This type of invoice is typically used for large projects where consultants want to bill each phase of the project by percent complete.
The New % Phase Invoice Format
To enable the “% Phase” invoice type, create a new invoice, and select your preferred style in the top left corner of your invoice. Selecting ‘% Phase’ will change your invoice to the new format.
* Remember to select only one invoice type for the duration of your project. Mixing invoice types can create confusion with you client.

Your new invoice will import all your phases from the phases tab of the project (see below). Ideally, you should complete the phases for your project before creating your first invoice. Any phases you add will be added to your invoice.

Invoice Setup
To edit your invoice setup, click on the edit pencil to open up the phases setup window (see diagram below). This window will automatically import all of your purchase orders from sub consultants, if there are any, into the middle columns, and all of your phases into left-most column. Feel free to rename your phases for the invoice; doing so will not change the name of your phase in the phases section. If you need to add a phase to the invoice, you should do that in the Project Data > Project Phases section.

In the red banner at the top of the project setup, you will see your total amount to invoice. The green banner to its right shows any remaining budget that needs to be allocated in the invoice setup. The green banner should always be $0.00, or else you haven’t allocated your whole invoice budget.
Change the amounts in each of the rows until you are happy with the budget for each phase. Remember, you can’t exceed your overall budget (“Our Fee”) or any of your sub consultant’s purchase order budgets. These amounts are shown at the top of the column. To edit these amounts, you have to edit the amounts in the Project Financials > Fees section.
The total amount of the invoice setup in the bottom right corner should always equal the amount in the red banner in the top right.
If you ever want to hide a phase from the invoice, uncheck the checkbox to the right of the phase row and it will disappear from your invoice.
Set your Percent Complete
Now that you have setup your invoice, you can assign a percent complete to each phase of the invoice. This will calculate the amount due for each phase and the overall invoice amount. If you have multiple invoices, incrementally increasing the % complete from the previous invoice will show how much the change will add to this new invoice. You can always see what’s been billed to date, and what amount has been previously billed.

Once you have your new invoice completed, click save and it will send the invoice to your accounting department. You can always download the invoice from the invoice grid to send to your client.
We hope you enjoy this new invoice format, and as always, email us with any questions or comments.
Smart update!
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